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RE: Flash MX 2004/8, Tab Index and JAWS


From: Friedel, Martin James - FRIMJ001
Date: Apr 11, 2006 5:50AM


Now this is an odd one - I can't actually replicate the lack of tab order now. The files I was working on are all working fine through JAWS.

There are a few other issues that you might be able to shed some light on however.

Firstly, I've noticed that when using JAWS it is is nearly impossible to use the keyboard for input (i.e. typing). I tried even entering in the day (Tuesday) into an input field with JAWS running and all I could actually type was 'ay'.

So that's one small issue - another is more complex and is still to do with the tab order, but the problem stems from components. I've found a blog entry on the web that discusses this issue, as well as a means to fixing it, however I've been unable to solve it. As soon as you introduce a component to the stage (or library even) the tab order is disregarded all together. I find this a little ironic given that these components are meant to be accessible, but it doesn't help when the component being used makes another accessibility feature cease to work. Do you have any suggestions in fixing this, or can shed some light onto we as developers can still use the Macromedia ready-made components and create accessible Flash content at the same time?



From: Andrew Kirkpatrick [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
Sent: Mon 10/04/2006 11:37 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List
Subject: RE: [WebAIM] Flash MX 2004/8, Tab Index and JAWS

It'd be useful to see the example. Can you send a link?


From: <EMAIL REMOVED> [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ] On Behalf Of Friedel, Martin James - FRIMJ001
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 7:37 PM
To: WebAIM Discussion List; WebAIM Discussion List
Subject: RE: [WebAIM] Flash MX 2004/8, Tab Index and JAWS

Thanks Jared - I've already checked that - used the AccRepair tool and that says everything is fine. It's an odd one - when JAWS is off, the tab order is fine, but when JAWS is on, it misses parts.

It's a weird one...


From: Jared Smith [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
Sent: Mon 10/04/2006 12:14 AM
To: WebAIM Discussion List
Subject: Re: [WebAIM] Flash MX 2004/8, Tab Index and JAWS

Friedel, Martin James - FRIMJ001 wrote:
> I'm currently working on some research into Flash accessibility and have
> found a bizarre problem when combining content built in Flash 8
> (published as 7). When I tab through the movie in Internet Explorer with
> JAWS (4.51) not running, the tab order is as programmed (every instance
> has a tab index set, and there are no static text instances). But when
> JAWS is turned on, the tab order is thrown out the window and entire
> instances are not accessible when using the tab key.
> Has anyone experienced this issue, and has a possible solution?
> Cheers,
> Marty

If I recall correctly, EVERY tabable (not sure that's a word, but...)
element must have the programmed tab index defined, otherwise Flash
ignores ALL of your programmed tab indexes. Take a close look, because
there's probably something in the interface that you haven't defined a tab
index for.
