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Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Apr 25, 2006 7:40AM
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> > Recently I stumbled across some research that said since the majority
> > of sites have been built with Nav 1st then Content, it is more likely
> > to confuse most users - annoyingly I didnt bookmark the report.
> I think Ben makes an good point. Most users do expect to see
> the Navigation first but this is probably more due to convention/habit/volume.
I expect the underground to be delayed and randomly stop every 10
minutes for 4 minutes without explanations. I don't necessarily like
it and see it as a necessity though.
People also expect layouts not to resize or reorder when their browser
changes, but it may be a good idea.
Far too often in IT we seem to be suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Just because something has been used as a quasi standard for years
doesn't make it good practice.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome
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- Previous message in Thread: Jens Meiert: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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