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Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Apr 25, 2006 7:50AM
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> Up until now I have been putting the navigation before the content in the
> HTML source and providing a 'skip nav/skip to content link' to give the
> option to skip the navigation.
> More recently I have been working on a large site (already built and
> launched) that has been built with the content first in the flow of HTML and
> the navigation last - with a 'skip to navigation' link.
> I am not sure which I feel is better - I'm inclined to think that nav first,
> content after is more conventional thus far... maybe there is no better
> option of the two.
> Your thoughts would be much appreciated!
Depends on the product I guess.
I tend to try to have content first navigation last in most of the
cases, as it is better for SEO and mobile devices while being handy
for serialised access.
For layout purposes, navigation first tends to be easier as you don't
need to float the whole page content.
Chris Heilmann
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- Previous message: Christian Heilmann: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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