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Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Apr 25, 2006 9:30AM
- Next message: Joshue O Connor: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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- Next message in Thread: Joshue O Connor: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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On 4/25/06, Becky Tindle < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> > As to the Stockholm Syndrome: You realise that a lot with Windows
> > Users. We are so used to random crashes, that we start defending the
> > system when people point that out to us. "Well, it happens, but that
> > is normal and there is nothing you can do".
> I suppose that is a kink in Human nature that we can accept that which
> is intolerable as "normal", in the absence of a viable alternative.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> So are you now saying that it is bad practice to put navigation first - and
> that content should always come first? From the last few posts quite a few
> seem to be in agreement on this. If so - I'd like to hear your reasons as I
> remain undecided at the moment.
I thought I answered that already:
Depends on the product I guess.
I tend to try to have content first navigation last in most of the
cases, as it is better for SEO and mobile devices while being handy
for serialized access.
For layout purposes, navigation first tends to be easier as you don't
need to float the whole page content.
- Next message: Joshue O Connor: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
- Previous message: ben morrison: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
- Next message in Thread: Joshue O Connor: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
- Previous message in Thread: ben morrison: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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