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SV: Which should come first - navigation OR content?
From: Morten Tollefsen
Date: Apr 26, 2006 7:50AM
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- Previous message: Peter Weil: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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Hi, Peter!
> I've wondered about this myself. Navigation menus, whether global or local, are not really part of the content of the page (at least from my point of view).
I agree. However, what is "contents" on a page is of course a discussion, and I believe some designers will include navigation etc. as part of the contents. If this is the case, header tags is not very bad, and at least in my opinion header tags (visible or not) can dramatically increase the page navigation for blind users.
Best regards
Morten Tollefsen
Tevlingveien 15, N-1081 Oslo, Norway
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- Previous message: Peter Weil: "Re: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
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