E-mail List Archives
From: Penny Roberts
Date: Apr 26, 2006 8:50AM
- Next message: John Foliot: "RE: Powerpoints"
- Previous message: Morten Tollefsen: "SV: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
- Next message in Thread: John Foliot: "RE: Powerpoints"
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I've been asked to put up links to some Powerpoint training
presentations (primarily for library staff but the links will probably
have to be on a public page rather than a restricted access page).
What do I need to consider about Powerpoints and accessibility (not that
I have much power to change anything but I can always try)?
- Next message: John Foliot: "RE: Powerpoints"
- Previous message: Morten Tollefsen: "SV: Which should come first - navigation OR content?"
- Next message in Thread: John Foliot: "RE: Powerpoints"
- Previous message in Thread: None
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