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Need Help With My Websites


From: marvin hunkin
Date: Aug 17, 2006 11:00PM

if any one can help me, could they send their e-mail address.
Okay developing a couple of websites, and coding them using html, and a text
editor called textpad.
Now, my sites have the following features.
that they all have frames, one of my pages has got a table, links, with
keyboard shortcuts, graphics on each page, and content and navigation links.
now, was wondering, any really good web developer gurus, if you could send
me your details, as my zip files, are rather large, and will send them via
as also got music files, for my 80s music site.
now, was wondering, also is there a legal way for me to put my music up on
the web, for people to download, like internet streaming say via shoutcast.
now if any one can help, let me know asap.
need help with accessability, and any suggestions, if need be, to redesign
the sites.
let me know asap.
cheers Marvin.