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RE: Opinions on Plone
From: Alastair Campbell
Date: Aug 22, 2006 3:40AM
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> Taking a serious look at Plone as a CMS, but am curious to
> hear feedback, kudos and brickbats alike. Key concerns are:
> * Ease of setup
> * Scalability
> * and of course accessibility, both in final output but also in the
> "behind the scenes" (i.e. authoring) perspective
I know people have used it well, but I didn't have such a good time. I
tried a few open-source CMSs about 2 years ago (for ukwindsurfing.com),
so they may have improved since then.
Coming from the point of view of trying to configure the front-end code,
it was a nightmare to find out where to edit each bit of code. It didn't
have what I would consider a friendly templating system. Drupal was a
bit better for this, but none were good.
In the end I gave up and went with using several different applications
(Wordpress, PunBB and a custom events calendar) rather than one holistic
one like Plone.
That approach was quicker for someone with particular front-end
requirements and not a (python) programmer.
The advice I came across quite a few times was that to do anything that
varies from the base install significantly, you need to know python, but
I don't. Perhaps it's changed, I was using version 2.1 at the time.
Kind regards,
Alastair Campbell | Director of User Experience
t. +44 (0)117 929 7333 | m. 07970 879 653
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- Previous message: Sam Mignano - Analyst: "RE: are there any accessibility testing best practicesHI Shri"
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