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RE: FW: alt text size
From: zara
Date: Aug 23, 2006 10:10AM
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> Hopefully you will share with us your synopsis when completed, as well as
> your recommendation/standard.
This should not be a problem. As for the future standard itself, what I can say for the moment is that development on this comes notably from the adoption of article 26.5 in our province's disability legislation[1] in December 2004. This article stipulates that the government must adopt a policy ensuring that ministries and public organisations put in place reasonable accommodation measures permitting persons with disabilities to have access to documents, whatever their form, and services offered to the public. This policy must be in place by December 2006. This summer, our Ministry of Government Services and our province's equivalent of a Disability Issues Office started the process of developing a standard to support this obligation with regards to government information on the Web. So we are now working on the first proposal. This will then be analysed and discussed at the inter-ministerial level and after that, we will see how things go. It is planned that this process should be completed at the end of the present year.
Anyway, thanks for your interest.
[1] <http://www2.publicationsduquebec.gouv.qc.ca/dynamicSearch/telecharge.php?type=2&file=/E_20_1/E20_1.html> (in French)
Catherine Roy, consultante
- Next message: zara: "RE: are there any accessibility testing best practices"
- Previous message: Penny Roberts: "Navigation lists and headers - best practise?"
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- Previous message in Thread: John Foliot: "RE: FW: alt text size"
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