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Re: Longdesc in Images
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Sep 25, 2006 4:20AM
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- Previous message: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Longdesc in Images"
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- Previous message in Thread: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Longdesc in Images"
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> > Does a logo *need* a long description?
> It doesn't, and it is surely misleading and potentially quite confusing to
> make a logo, used otherwise normally as a logo, a link to a description of
> the logo.
> If you have something to say about the design of a logo, then you can say
> that on separate page, or in a separate section of some page. Any link
> pointing to it should we written along normal link text design principle:
> descriptive, concise, and distinctive. "About our logo" or "Description of
> the ACME logo" might work.
In my experience, LONGDESC is only necessary for graphs and survey
results, where longdesc links to a tabular representation of the same
Chris Heilmann
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- Next message: Carol E. Wheeler: "RE: Longdesc in Images"
- Previous message: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Longdesc in Images"
- Next message in Thread: Carol E. Wheeler: "RE: Longdesc in Images"
- Previous message in Thread: Patrick Lauke: "RE: Longdesc in Images"
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