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Thread: Reg: How to fix accessibility issues with Microsoft Dynamics CRM online


Number of posts in this thread: 2 (In chronological order)

From: Mohith BP
Date: Thu, Dec 08 2016 1:02AM
Subject: Reg: How to fix accessibility issues with Microsoft Dynamics CRM online
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Hi All,

We are implementing Microsoft Dynamics CRM online at our office. We
have major accessibility challenges. I have listed the issues below.
The implementing company has expressed their inability to fix the
accessibility issues stating that the changes need to be done by the
I have gone through the VPAT document for CRM Online 2016. Most of the
challenges we are facing are supported in CRM according to the VPAT

I need help in understanding the following:
1. Can the challenges listed below be fixed by the implementing
company themselves?
2. Is there any specific feature/setting to be done in the CRM for the
better accessibility (especially with screen readers)?
3. Any help to make the CRM accessible.

The Critical Accessibility Issues:
1. Tables are broken.
2. Most of the dropdowns are not accessible with the keyboard and screen reader.
3. Structure of the page with headings/ regions.
4. Error handling.
5. Unnecessary additional description for each form field which
hinders the efficiency.
6. Lables are not read with the tab navigation for most of the elements.
8. Constant alert dialog while working with the forms.

Any help is appreciated.

PS: Ticket raised with Microsoft technical team did not yield any
result apart from pointing to the VPAT document.

Thanks & Regards,
Mohith B. P.

From: sucharu
Date: Thu, Dec 08 2016 11:29PM
Subject: Re: Reg: How to fix accessibility issues with MicrosoftDynamics CRM online
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Hi Mohit,
Would try to connect you to people responsible at Microsoft's end, off the list.