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Thread: Accessibility for fun.


Number of posts in this thread: 5 (In chronological order)

From: Greg Gay
Date: Wed, Apr 08 2020 10:35AM
Subject: Accessibility for fun.
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Hi All,

With all that's been going around the world in recent weeks, perhaps a
little distraction will help take your mind off all the bad news.

The Chang School at Ryerson University has been building serious games
for years as a way to teach through simulation and personal experience.
The Accessibility Maze is the latest in its creations. Navigate the
catacombs hidden beneath the old library and search out the
Accessibility Master, and the accessibility secrets he has to share.

Try playing it with a current screen reader. ( works with JAWS2020,
NVDA, ChromeVox)

The Accessibility Maze


Have fun! ...and please share.


From: Terzian, Sharon
Date: Wed, Apr 08 2020 10:59AM
Subject: Re: Accessibility for fun.
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cute, I'm going to share it with my web design class!

From: WebAIM-Forum < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > on behalf of Greg Gay < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = >
Sent: Wednesday, April 8, 2020 12:35 PM
Subject: [WebAIM] Accessibility for fun.

Hi All,

With all that's been going around the world in recent weeks, perhaps a
little distraction will help take your mind off all the bad news.

The Chang School at Ryerson University has been building serious games
for years as a way to teach through simulation and personal experience.
The Accessibility Maze is the latest in its creations. Navigate the
catacombs hidden beneath the old library and search out the
Accessibility Master, and the accessibility secrets he has to share.

Try playing it with a current screen reader. ( works with JAWS2020,
NVDA, ChromeVox)

The Accessibility Maze


Have fun! ...and please share.


From: David Engebretson Jr.
Date: Wed, Apr 08 2020 1:19PM
Subject: Re: Accessibility for fun.
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I've enjoyed it! Nice work.

It's tough for me though. Any suggestions for a JAWS 2020 user to make it
more rewarding? I'm still stuck on the first level trying to find the exit.

Also, it seems to jump in and out of forms mode at inopportune times. Are
there specific JAWS settings you would recommend?

Thanks again. Reminds me a little of the game "Rogue" that I used to play on
the mainframes at Stanford.

Much fun,

From: Don Mauck
Date: Wed, Apr 08 2020 1:34PM
Subject: Re: Accessibility for fun.
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I have the exact same question. Also, when I found the locked chest, inter didn't unlock. Didn't see any other messages so not sure what I should have expected. This is really cool though.

From: David Engebretson Jr.
Date: Wed, Apr 08 2020 4:10PM
Subject: Re: Accessibility for fun.
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Yah, you have to get the key first. The key (for me) was two spaces down and
two spaces to the left. I don't know if that changes...

One other thing I've found is that sometimes the current status of the cell
and/or movement ( moved up/down/left/right/bonked into a wall *my nose hurts
from all that bonking*) isn't announced by JAWS.

Also, when I ran into the diary I found it difficult to get out of the

Anyhoo. I still am really appreciative of the effort, and will enjoy digging
into this further when I find time. Lot's of stuff to do in the public
higher education space right now! And my 13 year old keeps me busy, too.
