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Thread: Mutliple unrelated forms and one submit button


Number of posts in this thread: 4 (In chronological order)

From: James Bailey
Date: Thu, Feb 12 2015 3:13PM
Subject: Mutliple unrelated forms and one submit button
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Hello All,

I'm looking at a page that has two unrelated sets of check boxes and one submit button at the bottom of the page. There is text content separating the groups. It seems to me this should be compliant, but I'm not finding much on the web about. I'd appreciate any thoughts this group might have or point me to a relevant web page.

Another issue is that the forms are in tables, but fortunately I have found some discussions about that aspect.



James Bailey M.S.
Associate Director
Accessible Education Center
University of Oregon

From: Wloch, Rob
Date: Thu, Feb 12 2015 3:34PM
Subject: Re: Mutliple unrelated forms and one submit button
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Hi James,

One thing that always helps me in these kinds of scenarios is to go to http://validator.w3.org and run the page's "view source" code through the HTML validator. This can quickly answer the question of whether <form> is allowed inside a table; it will validate any other HTML issues on the page too and if none then it at least passes WCAG 2.0 success criteria 4.1.1.

For the checkboxes and submit, it seems okay to me as long as the sets of checkboxes are in fieldsets (ie. <fieldset> <legend>) and labelled properly, etc. See example 2: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H71.html

I hope this helps a bit.


From: Lynn Holdsworth
Date: Fri, Feb 13 2015 8:12AM
Subject: Re: Mutliple unrelated forms and one submit button
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Hi James,

When you say the sets of checkboxes are unrelated, do you mean their
data is submitted to two different places when you press the Submit
buttons? Are these essentially two different forms? If so they'd
really need to have separate Submit buttons.

Best, Lynn

On 12/02/2015, Wloch, Rob < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:
> Hi James,
> One thing that always helps me in these kinds of scenarios is to go to
> http://validator.w3.org and run the page's "view source" code through the
> HTML validator. This can quickly answer the question of whether <form> is
> allowed inside a table; it will validate any other HTML issues on the page
> too and if none then it at least passes WCAG 2.0 success criteria 4.1.1.
> For the checkboxes and submit, it seems okay to me as long as the sets of
> checkboxes are in fieldsets (ie. <fieldset> <legend>) and labelled properly,
> etc. See example 2: http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG20-TECHS/H71.html
> I hope this helps a bit.
> -Rob.

From: James Bailey
Date: Mon, Feb 16 2015 12:23PM
Subject: Re: Mutliple unrelated forms and one submit button
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Hi Lynn,

They're related, but in discreet groups. So let's say you had a meal and one group was "salad" with choices and another was "entrée" with choices and finally "desert" (can you tell I'm writing this near lunch time?) And then there's text in between. They all go to the same place.

I found a discussion from last year on this list that seem to indicate that using tables was a not WCAG violation, so I may stick with the original table not go to formset coding.

Thanks for the suggestion.
