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Thread: FW: Now available, a downloadable archive of Visual ARIA for use offline or behind corporate firewalls


Number of posts in this thread: 2 (In chronological order)

From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Mon, Dec 18 2017 11:12AM
Subject: FW: Now available, a downloadable archive of Visual ARIA for use offline or behind corporate firewalls
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Just passing this along here in case it's of interest.

Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
Level Access, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)

From: JP Jamous
Date: Mon, Dec 18 2017 11:16AM
Subject: Re: FW: Now available, a downloadable archive of Visual ARIA for use offline or behind corporate firewalls
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Thank you so much. This is a great Christmas present. I was looking for something similar.