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Thread: Sample Accessibility Audit report


Number of posts in this thread: 2 (In chronological order)

From: Sudheer Babu
Date: Thu, Oct 10 2019 11:41AM
Subject: Sample Accessibility Audit report
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Hi Everyone,

Can someone help me with the sample accessibility audit reports
which contains good reporting and details of the audit covered and the
issues identified?

Thanks in advance!

From: Marissa Sapega
Date: Thu, Oct 10 2019 11:52AM
Subject: Re: Sample Accessibility Audit report
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Hi Sudheer,
My company, The Paciello Group, has an example of our accessibility audit on our website if you'd like to take a look: https://files.paciellogroup.com/customers/SampleReport/sample.html

Thank you,


On 10/10/19, 1:41 PM, "WebAIM-Forum on behalf of Sudheer Babu" < = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = on behalf of = EMAIL ADDRESS REMOVED = > wrote:

Hi Everyone,

Can someone help me with the sample accessibility audit reports
which contains good reporting and details of the audit covered and the
issues identified?

Thanks in advance!