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jaws, firefox, & display:none & display:block
From: Jennison Mark Asuncion
Date: Mar 5, 2010 6:48AM
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Wondering if anyone is experiencing this issue in Firefox (3.5), using
JAWS (10.1154) -a page has been coded in such a way that display:none is
used to first hide text on a page when it first loads. When a button is
triggered, it shows the text using display:block. The idea is when the
user clicks OK, that text hides once again using display:none. With JAWS
in IE, the behavior is the same visually and with JAWS in that on page
load, JAWS does not speak the hidden text, it speaks it when a button is
triggered, and it stops recognizing and speaking the text once the user
clicks the OK button. In Firefox however, JAWS still recognizes and reads
the text once the OK button is pressed, even though it is hidden. The only
way to get JAWS not to continue speaking the hidden text is to do an
Is this expected behavior with JAWS in Firefox when implementing
display:none and display:block? Is there a work-around? If it is a bug,
does this clear up in later versions of JAWS?
Jennison Asuncion
Co-Director, Adaptech Research Network http://www.adaptech.org
LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/jennison
- Next message: E.J. Zufelt: "Re: jaws, firefox, & display:none & display:block"
- Previous message: John Foliot: "FW: Recruiting Now for Survey on Synthesized Speech and Audio Description"
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