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Re: jaws, firefox, & display:none & display:block


From: E.J. Zufelt
Date: Mar 5, 2010 6:51AM

Good morning,

To the best of my knowledge this is a JAWS bug that I believe has been corrected in JAWS 11.

Everett Zufelt

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On 2010-03-05, at 7:49 AM, Jennison Mark Asuncion wrote:

> Hello,
> Wondering if anyone is experiencing this issue in Firefox (3.5), using
> JAWS (10.1154) -a page has been coded in such a way that display:none is
> used to first hide text on a page when it first loads. When a button is
> triggered, it shows the text using display:block. The idea is when the
> user clicks OK, that text hides once again using display:none. With JAWS
> in IE, the behavior is the same visually and with JAWS in that on page
> load, JAWS does not speak the hidden text, it speaks it when a button is
> triggered, and it stops recognizing and speaking the text once the user
> clicks the OK button. In Firefox however, JAWS still recognizes and reads
> the text once the OK button is pressed, even though it is hidden. The only
> way to get JAWS not to continue speaking the hidden text is to do an
> insert+escape.
> Is this expected behavior with JAWS in Firefox when implementing
> display:none and display:block? Is there a work-around? If it is a bug,
> does this clear up in later versions of JAWS?
> Jennison
> Jennison Asuncion
> Co-Director, Adaptech Research Network http://www.adaptech.org
> LinkedIn at http://www.linkedin.com/in/jennison