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Re: Recruiting assistive technology users for usability testing


From: deblist
Date: Apr 20, 2010 11:54AM

Angela Colter wrote:

> Problem is, the Human Resources department has, in the past, frowned on asking these employees to participate because HR doesn't want them to be "singled out."

I'm struggling with this myself, but the thought I've had (and
have yet not put into practice) is to put out a general call to
all employees asking for volunteers among people who use screen
readers and other adaptive technologies. That way, you aren't
just asking for people with disabilities (which is inappropriate
in a business context). You are asking for people who use
specific tools (which is perfectly appropriate).

And possibly better for your purposes, anyway. I know a couple of
people who use screen-enlarging software out of preference, not
out of any disability-related need, and they aren't necessarily
bad testers for your purposes.
