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RE: RNIB LookLouder Flash MX game


From: Julie.Howell
Date: Jun 17, 2002 1:59PM

Hi Tom

I think I understand what you're saying, but we're not holding the game up
as an example of best practice in accessibility. We're demonstrating how
far desingers can go using Flash MX to create accessible Flash files - not
very far as it transpires.

I'm a bit concerned that I've failed to make the aims of the project clear
to you, and possibly others, and I'm going to have a think about how I can
make the campaign message clearer.

The main aim of the project was to test the capabilities of Flash MX, to
raise awareness of 'the issue', and to use the findings of the research to
lobby Macromedia.

Essentially, we want to avoid the scenario where Flash designers are of the
belief that Flash MX creates truly accessible files if this isn't absolutely
the case.

We are definintely not holding the game up as a model of good practice, but
we are trying to say to designers, "hey, for the first time you can use
Flash and reach *some* disabled people. Now let's ask Macromedia to continue
to improve their products so that Flash files can be accessed by all
assitive tech".

If you are making the point that there are accessibility issues aside those
due to the limitations of Flash MX, it would be very helpful if you would
drop me a line with these, and I can ask Bluewave if they can be addressed.
RNIB worked with Bluewave through every stage this project and I stand by it
resolutely as a demonstration that it's not possible to use Flash MX to
create universally accessible files (yet).

Bluewave have put their name to a project that was in a sense destined to
fail, as we all suspected Flash MX couldn't create truly accessible files.
Very brave, I think!

Many thanks.

Kind regards
Julie Howell, RNIB