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Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE
From: Hoffman, Allen
Date: Jul 21, 2011 2:21PM
- Next message: Ney André de Mello Zunino : "Concurrent use of aria-describedby and aria-activedescendant"
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- Next message in Thread: Christophe Strobbe: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Previous message in Thread: David Farough: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
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Test without screen readers and you will know if things are coded so they are supposed to work.
I recommend using WAT, Object Inspector, and Ferret.
Firebug is great also.
Use a standards based test process which addresses all the relevant accessibility requirements and test for all relevant disabilities, e.g. blind, low-vision, deaf, hard-of-hearing, motor disabilities, speech disabilities, cognitive.
If they don't, you have a better idea where the problem is.
Just as a browser incompatibility can cause you to write code, then workaround code, andthen some more workaround code, you could do that for AT products and version--but who wants to do that? Why should you do that?
- Next message: Ney André de Mello Zunino : "Concurrent use of aria-describedby and aria-activedescendant"
- Previous message: terry kebbel: "Re: Fwd: Call for Review: UAAG 2.0 and Implementing UAAG 2.0 Working Drafts"
- Next message in Thread: Christophe Strobbe: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
- Previous message in Thread: David Farough: "Re: Usage Statistics? JAWS and IE"
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