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Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity and Punctuationsettings.
From: Léonie Watson
Date: Jul 27, 2012 12:25PM
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- Next message in Thread: Mary Stores: "Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity and Punctuationsettings."
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John Foliot wrote:
"Just doing a quick poll to try and figure out a minor question. What I am
attempting to determine is what are your settings? Verbosity: Low, Medium or
Beginner? Then Punctuation: All, Most, Some or None?"
I mentioned on Twitter that I set Jaws to advanced verbosity by default
(with some slight modification), and punctuation to none. It may not have a
bearing in this case, but I also use Jaws' application specific settings to
change its default behaviour. In my text editor I have punctuation set to
most for example.
"The question being considered is whether or not to include (parenthesis) in
off-screen text: is there a value to doing so, or should I not bother?"
My general rule of thumb is to use punctuation in whichever way is
grammatically correct. Were you thinking that parentheses could be used to
programmatically indicate that text was offscreen?
- Next message: Mary Stores: "Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity and Punctuationsettings."
- Previous message: Léonie Watson: "Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity andPunctuationsettings."
- Next message in Thread: Mary Stores: "Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity and Punctuationsettings."
- Previous message in Thread: Léonie Watson: "Re: Quick Poll for JAWs users: Verbosity andPunctuationsettings."
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