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Avance - an accessible interface for smartphones
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Jul 31, 2012 2:33PM
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At Campus Party Recife one of the Telefonica guys showed me a project
that they are looking to support called Avance by CPQD, a local
company. In essence, this is an interface with 6 big icons that say
what they are when you touch them and open when you double-tap them.
Subsequent screens do the same thing.
I did a quick interview with Felipe of Telefonica showing the device.
Here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd8xT9-ppwk and a
blog post with screenshots and more info:
Felipe was interested in shifting this to Boot2Gecko and I don't think
that this would be a big issue. It would be an interesting idea to get
a phone out based on Firefox OS that is catered to various needs, from
low literacy to learning disabilities and visual impairment. The
original system was built using extensive research with user testing
including blind people and the elderly.
- Next message: Elle: "Question Regarding Chart Patterns, Color Contrast, and Cognitive Disabilities"
- Previous message: Corbett, James: "Intro"
- Next message in Thread: Henny Swan: "Re: Avance - an accessible interface for smartphones"
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