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Re: <title> content order?
From: Paul J. Adam
Date: Jan 28, 2013 11:35AM
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content order?" - Previous message in Thread: Angela French: "Re:
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Hi Rick, good question! I see many sites that first put their site name at the beginning of every single page title forcing you to have to look at the end of the page title to see the name of the page your located on. A screen reader user would have to listen to the page title as the very first item on the page and would have to hear the site name every single time to determine the actual page name. Also when you have many tabs opened in a browser you only see the first few words of that tab so if the page name is at the very end of the title it would be cut off from view in the tab.
For those reasons I recommend you start with the most important info and that is the actual page title, not the site name. Users already know the site name based on the URL as well.
Best practice would be, as an example of a contact page for the english department of a university, <title>Contact Us - English Dept. - State University System</title>.
Paul J. Adam
Accessibility Evangelist
Deque Systems
@pauljadam on Twitter
On Jan 28, 2013, at 12:17 PM, Rick Hill < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> In <title> which is order is preferred (and why) or is either OK:
> <title>Page info : Site Name</title>
> or
> <title>Site Name: Page Info</title>
> Examples:
> <title>Test Page : UC Davis</title>
> or
> <title>UC Davis : Test Page</title>
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Rick Hill, Web CMS Administrator
> University Communications, UC Davis
> (530) 752-9612
> http://cms.ucdavis.edu
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> Web CMS assistance at <EMAIL REMOVED> <mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> >
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >
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content order?" - Next message in Thread: Keith Parks: "Re:
content order?" - Previous message in Thread: Angela French: "Re:
content order?" - View all messages in this Thread