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Re: ARIA landmarks, why are they not more descriptive?
From: Dylan Barrell
Date: Jan 28, 2013 2:38PM
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content order?" - Previous message: Paul J. Adam: "Re:
content order?" - Next message in Thread: Henny Swan: "Re: ARIA landmarks, why are they not more descriptive?"
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Here is the way that I recommend use of landmarks:
1) role="main" for the main content of the page and the container for the
target of the skip to main content link (1 per page)
2) role="search" for the container of the search form (generally 1 per page
but could be more)
3) role="banner" for the header of the page (1 per page)
4) role="contentinfo" for the footer of the page or the portion of the page
that includes legal and copyright information (0 or 1 per page)
5) role="navigation" for any navigational container (generally more than 1
per page)
Other landmark roles are less common, you could use role="form" on all
forms but this is somewhat redundant in most ATs and role="complementary"
is always going to be somewhat open to interpretation.
- Next message: Keith Parks: "Re:
content order?" - Previous message: Paul J. Adam: "Re:
content order?" - Next message in Thread: Henny Swan: "Re: ARIA landmarks, why are they not more descriptive?"
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