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A question on political correctness...
From: ckrugman
Date: Feb 22, 2013 3:27AM
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I'm going through missed posts as usual and I find that as a blind person
none of these titles are offensive. "The blind" as it is referred to here is
a group similar to a cultural group and in some ways a "blind" culture
exists based on similarities of experiences of blind people.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jesse Hausler" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
To: "WebAIM Discussion List" < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2012 3:07 PM
Subject: [WebAIM] A question on political correctness...
> I've been in the accessibility/disability field for probably 10 years now
> and I've always wondered about the term, "the blind".
> My 4 years in an occupational therapy setting always taught me to lead
> with "people" first, as in "people who are blind", person with a
> disability, etc. And I agree with and have always followed that practice.
> But then there are organizations such as the NFB, AFB, and others who have
> "the blind" in their names, charters, etc.
> The reason I ask is that I'm putting together a session proposal for South
> by Southwest. The premise is about how using tips and techniques from the
> accessibility field will lead to products that are more universal, future
> friendly, and of course accessible.
> Given that SXSW sessions are chosen by popular Internet vote, they
> recommend that titles are catchy, yet informative. A few ideas that came
> up include:
> Taking Notes from the Blind - Make it Universal, not Accessible!
> Stealing from the Blind - Make it Universal, not Accessible!
> Stealing from the Blind - Mainstreaming Accessibility for Everyone!
> And so on...
> So I ask, on a scale of 1 to Offensive. Where does this fall and why?
> Thanks for your feedback,
> Jesse
> > >
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