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Re: Q: accessibility for ebooks, epubs, kindles, etc.
From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: Mar 3, 2013 9:29PM
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Greetings, WebAIM:
I spent about 15 minutes with Google in order to pull together the
following resource set about EPub 3. It's less "Benetech-centric"
than what has been posted so far. I'm a fan of standards, not a
specific organizational approach, so that's where I always start.
I hope many will find this collection useful.
Links are below my name. Numbering is for tracking, rather than to
denote prioritization.
If I've missed anything, I hope others will contribute.
1. Book by Matt Garrish from O'Reilly Media:
2. Visit the site of the International Digital Publishing Forum
(IDPF) which is the standards-making body for ePub:
3. Forums on the IDPF site:
4. EPUB 3 Accessibility Guidelines
5. EPub Check, for validation:
6. A recent thread on the Access Technology in Higher Education
email list about accessible ePub production:
7. Creating accessible eBooks - RNIB:
8. Content on SlideShare, related to the DAISY Consortium and some
is ePub3, as well:
- Next message: Sailesh Panchang: "Re: Accessible maps"
- Previous message: Jennifer Sutton: "Re: Accessible maps"
- Next message in Thread: Jennifer Sutton: "Re: Q: accessibility for ebooks, epubs, kindles, etc."
- Previous message in Thread: Jamal Mazrui: "Re: Q: accessibility for ebooks, epubs, kindles, etc."
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