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Re: Q: accessibility for ebooks, epubs, kindles, etc.
From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: Mar 6, 2013 10:44AM
- Next message: Christian Biggins: "Re: Aria roles instead of headings?"
- Previous message: Don Mauck: "Re: Aria roles instead of headings?"
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- Previous message in Thread: Jennifer Sutton: "Re: Q: accessibility for ebooks, epubs, kindles, etc."
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Greetings, WebAIM:
I thought I'd post four more items on this subject of ebooks/ePub,
and then, I'll stop.
But I think these are valuable additions to what I posted the other day.
I hope those working on HTML5, CSS, etc. will especially take note of
the summary of the recent W3C workshop and help to foster standards
Links below my name.
eBooks: Great Expectations - A W3C Workshop on Electronic Books and
Open Web Platform - 11-12 February 2013
Rich multi-media and a web of devices is driving us to a world of
standards - Tools of Change for Publishing
EPUB 3 demo/sample files wanted:
This article focuses on a conference held in the UK
ebooks and accessibility; "readable with eyes, ears and fingers" |
atis4all | Scoop.it
- Next message: Christian Biggins: "Re: Aria roles instead of headings?"
- Previous message: Don Mauck: "Re: Aria roles instead of headings?"
- Next message in Thread: None
- Previous message in Thread: Jennifer Sutton: "Re: Q: accessibility for ebooks, epubs, kindles, etc."
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