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Re: Jaws reverts to default language setting when ARIA menu structures are focused
From: Patterson, David K (ITD)
Date: Apr 22, 2013 12:06PM
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- Previous message in Thread: Lucy Greco: "Re: Jaws reverts to default language setting when ARIA menu structures are focused"
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Ah, yes. As Lucy said, JAWS will speak its commands etc. in the LANG to which it is set. Therefore for a native speaker such as French . they should have JAWS set to their native language. To me, there is no problem, given this is how JAWS normally works.
David K. Patterson
Manager - Assistive Technology Laboratory
Information Technology Division
One Ashburton Place, Room 1601
Boston, MA 02108
Phone: 617-626-4650
Web: www.mass.gov/itd/
- Next message: Jacek Zadrożny: "Re: Stories of engagement with OER Access (MERLOT)"
- Previous message: Dave Merrill: "Re: Best way to hide headings from visual users while keeping them in the outline"
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- Previous message in Thread: Lucy Greco: "Re: Jaws reverts to default language setting when ARIA menu structures are focused"
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