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RE: Accessibilty & Flash Content


From: julian.rickards
Date: Jan 17, 2003 7:06AM

I am not an expert at JavaScript but it is my understanding that JavaScript
has no means of passing information from one page to another: I don't think
there is anything in JavaScript that can detect or use query strings which
could be one method.

You may have to use server-side scripting.

Hmmm, maybe JavaScript can create and use cookies and that may be the
answer. As I said, I am not an expert. Maybe my 2 cents was not worth even

Just my 1 cent,


-----Original Message-----
From: chet [mailto: <EMAIL REMOVED> ]
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:03 PM
Subject: Accessibilty & Flash Content


I'm designing an accessible site (to W3C A standards) and not sure what to
do with a flash movie. The logo will be a subtle flash movie with a static
picture and text fading in & out. I know we should avoid 'blinking,
flickering or moving content'. The site will be primarily for people without
disability hence happy to have a flash movie, however how can I provide a
facility to switch the movie off?

I thought
a) put a text link to the side 'switch moving logo off' & then replace this
with a static logo. But how would I do this?? How could this be done site
wide - so each time they move to a new page the flash logo is replaced by a
still image logo? i thought javascript - but don't know where to start.
b) use flash controls to switch the movie off (play, stop etc) and again
make this site wide. there may be an extension - but how suitable for my

Also any advice on whether moving text flash movie presents a particular
accessibility problem? i am saying this because their is clear guidance on
making flash movies accessible through alternate content - so may be moving
flash movies aren't that big a deal?

look forward to comments,

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