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JAWS cursor doesn't work in Firefox or Chrome


From: Lynn Holdsworth
Date: Feb 5, 2015 4:34AM

Hi all,

This is more of a rant than a question.

I'm feeling totally disempowered and unequal today. I've been asked to
audit a site that doesn't work in IE (it has a cross-domain login
issue), so thought I'd jump ship to Firefox and audit it in there.

It's a very visual site with lots of inaccessible widgets, and I'd
usually use the JAWS cursor to find out what's where and what the
current value is if possible.

But it doesn't work in Firefox.

I searched the web and changed some values in about:config and in FF's
advanced settings, to no avail.

Enter Google Chrome!

The JAWS cursor doesn't work in that browser either.

So I'm having to pay someone with eyesight to help me identify and
describe issues on the site.

That's all. Just feeling as though a previously levelling
playing-field has been whipped out from under my feet.

Obviously if anyone has a solution I'd love to hear it. But I've spent
3 hours this morning searching, tweaking, restarting and failing.

Thanks for listening!

Best, Lynn