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Re: JAWS cursor doesn't work in Firefox or Chrome


From: Asa Baylus
Date: Feb 5, 2015 4:48AM

You might try Chrome Vox with Chrome


Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 5, 2015, at 6:34 AM, Lynn Holdsworth < <EMAIL REMOVED> > wrote:
> Hi all,
> This is more of a rant than a question.
> I'm feeling totally disempowered and unequal today. I've been asked to
> audit a site that doesn't work in IE (it has a cross-domain login
> issue), so thought I'd jump ship to Firefox and audit it in there.
> It's a very visual site with lots of inaccessible widgets, and I'd
> usually use the JAWS cursor to find out what's where and what the
> current value is if possible.
> But it doesn't work in Firefox.
> I searched the web and changed some values in about:config and in FF's
> advanced settings, to no avail.
> Enter Google Chrome!
> The JAWS cursor doesn't work in that browser either.
> So I'm having to pay someone with eyesight to help me identify and
> describe issues on the site.
> That's all. Just feeling as though a previously levelling
> playing-field has been whipped out from under my feet.
> Obviously if anyone has a solution I'd love to hear it. But I've spent
> 3 hours this morning searching, tweaking, restarting and failing.
> Thanks for listening!
> Best, Lynn
> > >