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Re: Combo Box Displays incomplete items - content or accessibility issue?


From: JP Jamous
Date: Nov 27, 2017 12:18PM


If I take a step back and review this issue, I notice one thing that pops up at me directly. It isn't just an A11Y problem, rather a UX problem. If someone with 20/20 vision takes a look at this UI, the text will be cut off unless the dropdown is expanded.

I agree with your teammates that they don't like it. It does not sound user friendly for anyone. That's a huge problem.

Obviously no UX thoughts were implemented into this back in the design phase. This tells me 2 things.

1. Either this was a requirement that they couldn't fix
2. No one realized what occurred until it was too late

I would fail it as bad UX then bad A11Y, as it blocks all users from seeing the content unless they engage with the dropdown box.