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Re: Combo Box Displays incomplete items - content or accessibility issue?


From: Bryan Garaventa
Date: Nov 27, 2017 5:16PM

"In addition to the issues that others have reported, there are a number of other ways in which these comboboxes do not behave like native ones, such as: a. If the list of options has been opened, pressing the Tab key closes the list as expected but the focus does not move to the next focusable element. b. If a key is pressed, the focus correctly moves to the first instance of an option that starts with that character. However, if the same key is pressed again, the focus does not move to the next instance of an option that starts with that character. This is a behaviour I use a lot, because pressing the "u" key four times is the fastest way to get to United Kingdom in most Language comboboxes. I have tested dozens of so-called accessible comboboxes and have not found a single one that replicates all the behaviours of a native element and is fully accessible."

I assume you are referring to simulated ARIA Combobox widgets, is that correct?

Can you please list all of the accessibility issues that you encounter on the following ARIA Combobox implementations?

1. Editable and Readonly Comboboxes, via State and Country select fields:
(Spacebar saves selected auto suggested item when browsing by Up/Down arrow, and pressing Tab moves to next element in the tab order as expected.)

2. Simulated Readonly ARIA Combobox with simulated multi-character type-ahead functionality:
(Type "eng" to jump to English, "por" to jump to Portuguese, etc.)


Bryan Garaventa
Accessibility Fellow
Level Access, Inc.
415.624.2709 (o)