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Re: Tagging issues with Acrobat Pro DC


From: chagnon
Date: Apr 10, 2019 11:32PM

Yes, we too have noticed unexpected results from all of Adobe's products:
- PDF Maker plug-in for Word/Office
- Acrobat itself
- PDF Export utility in InDesign

Every time I teach an accessibility class, I don't know if I'll get the same
results as I did the day before the class. And the changes are usually
accessibility tag errors, not improvements.

If you're on the DC subscription (Adobe calls it "continuous release")
you're getting micro updates quite frequently. See the release notes here:

More details of the latest release are here:
https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/whats-new.html But nothing is
mentioned about accessibility issues or features.

The only way to get the problems fixed is to post something on
www.acrobat.uservoice.com UserVoice works on the concept of votes: the more
votes a bug or feature request gets, the quicker it might be addressed.

We're keeping track of the issues on our website to help people find the
posts and vote for them at www.pubcom.com/vote

As they say, vote early and often!

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Bevi Chagnon, founder/CEO | <EMAIL REMOVED>
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