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Re: Tagging issues with Acrobat Pro DC


From: Karlen Communications
Date: Apr 11, 2019 4:53AM

As some of you know, I've been trying out Nuance PowerPDF Advanced and Foxit
Phantom for Business.

I had two documents that are forms which means a lot of underline and boxes
to visually represent where you enter information.

When I used the Acrobat Pro DC (current release/update) ability to auto tag
the documents, about 85% of the lines, boxes and bits of the background were
tagged as <figures> requiring Alt Text and only about 15% of the actual text
was tagged. When I deleted the Tags, went to Nuance's PowerPDF and retagged
the document, NONE of the background bits, lines or boxes were tagged. ONLY
the text on the page was tagged. I had minimal remediation to make the text
of the forms accessible (mostly rearranging the question order and
separating parts of a question to fit the form controls in).

This saved me hours of work I was facing trying to manually Tag the text in
the forms. Nuance PowerPDF does have a Forms Ribbon but I am on a deadline
so will try it out once this project is finished.

Foxit is trying to get me to not give up on their product but I really can't
face another 2-5 days of lost time trying to gain control of my computer, so
we are still talking about getting my money back.

Cheers, Karen