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Re: Tagging issues with Acrobat Pro DC


From: Philip Kiff
Date: Apr 11, 2019 6:51AM

I haven't noticed new issues with the background/artifact tagging
feature in Acrobat Pro DC on the continuous release cycle. But as Bevi
suggests, there may have been an undocumented change in a "micro"
update, that I haven't noticed.

However, I have had issues with disappearing text before, and I have two
suggestions you might explore to deal with such issues.

First, if you somehow end up with real text marked as an artifact and
don't seem to be able to mark it or tag it as regular text any longer,
then you may be able to find that text in the Content panel and move it
out of its Artifact container and into the root of the Content panel.
Then you can try tagging it again either directly or by using the "Find"
-> "Unmarked Content" feature in the Tags Panel. I have found that
moving the actual content you want out of all containers so that it sits
as raw, content at the root level of the Content tree has pretty much
always allowed me to find and begin tagging that content once again.

Second, instead of using the Reading Order panel, you might consider
trying to re-order content directly in the Content panel. When I
remediate content these days, I almost never open the Reading Order
panel at all. I may use the Reading Order panel when I'm finished, just
to confirm that the order I've set in the Content panel is correct, but
other than that, I do pretty much all my remediation work in the Tags
panel and in the Content panel.

Having said that, I'm not sure that I would try to teach folks how to
manipulate the Content panel in an introductory PDF remediation
workshop. I would probably focus almost entirely on the Tags panel and
on ensuring that the tag structure and order is correct in the Tags
panel. I would tell them basically to ignore the Reading Order panel
altogether, and working with the Content panel directly and moving
content around in that panel is moving towards advanced PDF remediation
techniques I think.


Philip Kiff
D4K Communications

On 2019-04-11 01:32, <EMAIL REMOVED> wrote:
> Yes, we too have noticed unexpected results from all of Adobe's products:
> [....]
> If you're on the DC subscription (Adobe calls it "continuous release")
> you're getting micro updates quite frequently.
> [....]
On 2019-04-10 23:05, Sean Keegan wrote:
> Hi - I just conducted an accessible PDF remediation workshop and
> encountered numerous issues with the latest version of Acrobat Pro DC.
> Specifically, the issues included:
> 1) When zoning text or images (or running the Make Accessible Wizard or
> Autotagging the PDF), content would disappear or drop behind other elements.
> 2) If some text content were set as Background mistakenly, it was not
> possible re-zone that text content and mark it as text (or heading) in the
> Reading Order panel; that is, no tag was created.
> I have had all these issues before, but I have not had these issues
> recently with previous versions of Acrobat Pro (or even earlier versions of
> Acrobat Pro DC). Trying to remediate the same PDFs using Acrobat XI worked
> just fine, but the latest Pro DC seems to be causing problems.
> Anyone else having issues similar to these?
> Also - I've never gotten a decent workaround to the disappearing text
> issue. Open to ideas.
> thanks,
> sean
> > > >