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Re: funding possibilities
From: Mark Rew
Date: Sep 25, 2001 3:05PM
- Next message: Joel Ward: "Re: Popup menus accessible?"
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- Next message in Thread: Cheryl Kirkpatrick: "Re: funding possibilities"
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I found a whole list of resources at:
----- Original Message -----
From: Jason Addie
To: 'WebAIM forum'
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2001 12:14 PM
Subject: funding possibilities
Morning all -
I am a Cognitive Psychology Graduate student and I am very interested in researching accessibility issues for the disabled. Unfortunately, I do not have the computers and software that I need to accomplish this task. I would also like to hire at least one disabled student worker to analyze web pages and give me feedback as to what they like/dislike. I have been looking online for funding but have been unsuccessful so far. Does anyone know of any funding opportunities that I might be able to apply for?
Thank you for your time and help.
Jason D. Addie
Cognitive Psychology Graduate Student
Arizona State University
- Next message: Joel Ward: "Re: Popup menus accessible?"
- Previous message: Viral.Patel@exim.gov: "Re: Popup menus accessible?"
- Next message in Thread: Cheryl Kirkpatrick: "Re: funding possibilities"
- Previous message in Thread: Jason Addie: "funding possibilities"
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