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Re: Making Speaker Notes Accessible as a Tagged PDF


From: David Engebretson Jr.
Date: Oct 6, 2021 8:45AM

Thanks for the tips!

I'm super interested in your thoughts that the Adobe snafu is intentional. I see where you are coming from because it hurts - it almost feels to me like a personal slap to my face as a screen reader user.

Do you think, though, that Adobe would intentionally put a product out in the world that breaks accessibility for assistive technology users? I'm wondering if it was simply a glitch in their testing/quality assurance process. Glitches happen, especially in engineering without user testing.

Anyhow, I appreciate your expertise and your passion for the subject. This is good food for thought. Hopefully you shared this with the accessibility and inclusion folks at Adobe so they can think about improving their product.

Thank you for all of your hard work!