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Re: Appropriate alt text for the logo link


From: Mark Magennis
Date: Jul 3, 2024 9:22AM

Leaving aside accessibility for a moment, this is just plain wrong. The link's text label (provided in the form of a logo) is "ABC Company" but the link doesn't go to ABC Company. For all links it is essential that they go to where they say they will go it. It's the same as having a plain text link to ABC Company that doesn't go there. I think you should encourage them to fix this glaring error first before trying to patch it up for users who can access the text alternative.


From: WebAIM-Forum < <EMAIL REMOVED> > on behalf of Sumit Patel < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Sent: Wednesday 3 July 2024 15:26
To: WebAIM Discussion List < <EMAIL REMOVED> >
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [WebAIM] Appropriate alt text for the logo link

Hai all,

I'm reaching out to clarify the appropriate alt text for the logo image
link on all websites for Application A, an application developed by ABC
The scenario is as follows:
• ABC Company has multiple applications, including Application A.
• Websites for Application A display the ABC Company logo at the top,
likely for branding purposes.
• Clicking the logo image, however, redirects users to the Application A
homepage, not the ABC Company homepage.
This situation presents a question regarding the most accurate alt text for
the logo image link. Here are the two options I'm considering:
1. "ABC Company Logo": This reflects the actual image content.
2. "Application A": This specifies the destination upon clicking the link.
I would appreciate your guidance on the preferred alt text for this
scenario. Considering accessibility best practices, which option would be
most helpful for users relying on screen readers?
Thanks in advance
