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Re: Microsoft Word question
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Apr 20, 2005 10:40AM
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>I use OpenOffice to view downloaded Word documents. It works fine. It is
>> available for Windows and Linux OSs. I use OpenOffice because I hope
>> that if a downloaded document contains a malicious code or macro it is
>> less likely to be triggered in the Open Office. Still I try not to open
>> any documents downloaded from the web unless I must.
>> I do not see too much work to convert a Word document into the HTML file
>> even manually. The only problem is to take out the photo from the Word
>> document. But I did it last time about year ago.
This assumes that you have a really clean and not complex Word
document and is as a very dangerous generalisation.
I have come across some very very bad Word Documents. Like any other
WYSIWYG editor, it makes people "paint with words" rather than
structure content.
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