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RE: Adding a label to search box
From: smithj7
Date: Apr 14, 2006 4:00PM
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I have been following this threat with great interest. In my case, I
always try to remember to add a "label for" attribute for forms. Way
back when, Bobby was free, I used it to check my site and if there was
no "label for", I failed. So out of habit, I try to consistently use it.
But, I'm curious, if I used label for and the title attribute on a form,
would a person using speech hear the same text twice?
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- Previous message: smithj7: "Baby Question re separator (greater than and pipe)"
- Next message in Thread: Jim Thatcher: "RE: Adding a label to search box"
- Previous message in Thread: Joshue O Connor: "Re: Adding a label to search box"
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