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Re: accessibility for deaf
From: Christian Heilmann
Date: Apr 23, 2006 12:20AM
- Next message: John Foliot - WATS.ca: "Reality Check (was RE: accessibility for deaf)"
- Previous message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: Online counterparts to JAWS ect"
- Next message in Thread: HHamilto@doe.k12.ga.us: "Re: accessibility for deaf"
- Previous message in Thread: zara: "RE: accessibility for deaf"
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> And so again, while sites addressing international audiences will surely have a problem with providing sign language, those many sites addressing "local" populations, from governments to corporations, etc., should not get the notion not to do it because there is no "international sign language".
Is there an assistive software that could translate text into sign
language? While that could only have the grace and usefulness of
babelfish (as language translation is a human thing and just cannot be
automated) it could be helpful.
- Next message: John Foliot - WATS.ca: "Reality Check (was RE: accessibility for deaf)"
- Previous message: Patrick H. Lauke: "Re: Online counterparts to JAWS ect"
- Next message in Thread: HHamilto@doe.k12.ga.us: "Re: accessibility for deaf"
- Previous message in Thread: zara: "RE: accessibility for deaf"
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