WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

WebAIM Timeline

WebAIM is founded when Dr. Cyndi Rowland secures grant funding to develop a project to increase awareness around web accessibility in higher education. WCAG 1.0 is released this same year.

The WebAIM logo from 1999.

WebAIM.org is launched. Our online articles, publications, and resources now get millions of visitors each year. Check out an early archive of the WebAIM web site—it's Bobby approved!

The WebAIM email discussion list is launched. Nearly 50,000 messages have since been posted to the list.

WebAIM offers its first online web accessibility course.

The WAVE logo from 2001.

WebAIM begins hosting the WAVE online accessibility testing tool. Approximately 100 million pages have been tested using this online tool.

WebAIM hosts its first online training event and publishes a CD containing over 500 pages of training materials.

With increased demand for web accessibility expertise, WebAIM begins offering web accessibility evaluation and client training services. WebAIM has trained over 100,000 web professionals.

WebAIM contributes to the development of WCAG 2 and is invited to join the federal committee charged with making updates to the Section 508 standards.

The WebAIM logo from the mid-2000s.

WebAIM launches its first Screen Reader User Survey. Nine more surveys were later conducted collecting 14,916 responses from screen reader users.

The WebAIM logo from around 2008.

The WAVE Firefox browser extension is launched providing users with a free, powerful in-browser testing tool. WCAG 2.0 is released.

The GOALS project begins. This grant-funded project partnered with WebAIM to help institutions of higher education develop a system-wide approach to web accessibility.

The WAVE Chrome browser extension is launched. There are currently over 600,000 active WAVE extension users.

WAVE logo

The WAVE API and WAVE Stand-alone API are released. These powerful tools allow automated and remote accessibility analysis of web pages using the WAVE processing engine.

WebAIM begins collaborating with Pope Tech on the integration of WAVE into their enterprise-level accessibility testing platform. The WAVE AIM service is launched to provide low-cost accessibility test results.

WebAIM's current logo

WebAIM begins offering its Document Accessibility online course. Nearly 11,000 people have since enrolled in the course.

The first WebAIM Million is released. This annual analysis of the top 1,000,000 home pages provides insights into the state and progress of web accessibility.

StrategicA11y - WebAIM's Strategic Accessibility workshops and consultation services begin to help organizations tackle the organizational challenges of digital accessibility.

WebAIM director Cyndi Rowland retires after 24 years leading WebAIM and 35 years in the disability field.

WebAIM celebrates 25 years of expanding the potential of the web for people with disabilities by empowering individuals and organizations to create accessible content.