WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

WebAIM Blog

The Impact of Recent U.S. Federal Rulemaking on Web and Digital Accessibility

Recently, we have seen significant movement in Federal policy on web and digital accessibility. Specifically, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which is enforced by the Department of Justice, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, as implemented by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), now include specific accessibility […]

Web Accessibility in the 2024 Presidential Campaigns

There’s nothing quite like a presidential campaign year to gin up comparisons between rivals on a seemingly endless inventory of attributes, whether it’s their condiment preference, choice in footwear, or agility in ascending a set of stairs. Unable to resist the temptation to pile on to the bandwagon, we here at WebAIM would like to […]

Screen Reader User Survey #10 Results

The results of WebAIM’s 10th Screen Reader User Survey are now available. This survey was conducted in December 2023 and January 2024 and had 1539 respondents. Supported by BrowserStack Support for this research is funded in part by a donation from Here are some of the notable items from this survey: We hope the survey […]

WebAIM and BrowserStack: Allies for Digital Accessibility Excellence

WebAIM is thrilled to announce a strategic collaboration with BrowserStack, which shares our objective of creating an accessible digital world. WebAIM + BrowserStack = A shared vision for accessibility Late last year WebAIM Director Jared Smith sat down with the co-founders of BrowserStack to discuss our shared vision for inclusion and digital accessibility testing. He […]

An Evolution in Microsoft Office Accessibility

In the early years of Microsoft Office, support for screen reader users was limited, and in most cases required third-party software and workarounds. In Office 2007, the Ribbon interface was introduced. This “Fluent UI” was a boon to productivity for some users, but it initially posed significant challenges for screen reader users. To its credit, […]