WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

WebAIM Blog

New Site-wide WAVE Tools

We’re happy to announce the release of several new options for using WAVE to evaluate pages across web sites. While the power of WAVE is in facilitating in-depth manual analysis of a web page, these new tools allow you to easily collect data for any number of web pages on your sites. WAVE Stand-alone API […]

Screen Readers and CSS: Are We Going Out of Style (and into Content)?

Developers often ask how various CSS declarations translate to the screen reader experience. Properties that are strictly visual – such as color, border, font, margin, padding – are transparent, but what about those that inject content, like ::before and ::after? What about properties that communicate meaning, like list-style and line-through? And then there are those […]

To ARIA! The Cause of, and Solution to, All Our Accessibility Problems

When WebAIM evaluates a client’s website for accessibility, we often spend more time evaluating and reporting on ARIA use than any other issue. Almost every report we write includes a section cautioning against ARIA abuse and outlining ARIA uses that need to be corrected or, most often, removed. Ironically, this is often followed by a […]

Feedback on WCAG 2.1 Draft

Overview The following is feedback on the First Public Working Draft of WCAG 2.1. WebAIM currently supports adoption of 5 of these success criteria as drafted (with some recommended improvements). A few others would be supported (with clarifications and improvements), but not at the conformance level currently proposed. WebAIM does not support, opposes, or strongly […]

UC Berkeley Decision Results in Universal Inaccessibility

The University of California at Berkeley recently decided to withdraw 20,000 public videos and lectures rather than caption them. They will be restricted to their campus community, where the need for captions can be more closely monitored and delivered. We understand that this complex decision was driven, in part, by a Department of Justice finding. […]