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Re: need some help re problem sites
From: Chagnon | PubCom
Date: Apr 29, 2013 12:19PM
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- Next message in Thread: GF Mueden@: "Re: need some help re problem sites"
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John B. wrote: "How about ... http://webaim.org/intro/"
Thanks for reminding me, John. The material is quite good, concise,
to-the-point, and, ultimately, very useful to developers.
One complaint:
The website for this material isn't in a cohesive training format: that is,
once I click on a topic such as Alt-text, I can't quickly navigate to the
other topics like Creating Accessible Tables. I have to navigate with the
browser's back button or switch windows when the module opens in a separate
The navigation at the top of the page within the article is good. The
problem is getting to the other articles.
A way to correct this would be to add navigation just for the training
modules themselves as most traditional training websites do, either in the
left nav or as a separate <DIV> somewhere on the page.
In training parlance, this "training navigation" shows the different modules
or topics in the training and allows the user to see where they are in the
course and put the material into context with the other modules. In other
words, it quickly tells the user where they are and what else they need to
cover in the training.
It grounds the learner.
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- Next message: Jared Smith: "Re: Color Contrast List?"
- Previous message: Bryan Garaventa: "Re: Color Contrast List?"
- Next message in Thread: GF Mueden@: "Re: need some help re problem sites"
- Previous message in Thread: Nancy Johnson: "Re: need some help re problem sites"
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