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Likert scale -- making radio buttons in a table include their question


From: Jennifer Sutton
Date: Sep 19, 2014 3:26PM

Greetings, WebAIM:

Has anybody built a Likert scale, using radio buttons in a table? I'm
working with a client, and we're getting different results with
different screen reader/browser combos (what else is new)?

What's generally at issue is the association of the question as the
user selects the different radio buttons -- strongly disagree,
disagree, neither, and so forth. There are five choices.

It seems to me that the screen reader user should hear the question
each time. But if folks feel otherwise, I'd like to know.

Anybody got a working example to share?

I thought this article would do the trick, including use of the
radiogroup role and ARIA Describedby:
Fieldset Legends, aria-describedby, and radiogroup roles last-child

but it's not quite getting us there.

What about fieldsets and legends in tables? They're not playing nicely.

Thanks for any thoughts.
