WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

Welcoming Dr. Sergio Luján Mora

We are happy to welcome Dr. Sergio Luján Mora to the WebAIM team. Sergio will be spending six months with WebAIM on sabbatical from the University of Alicante, Spain, where he is a professor of Computer Engineering. Photo of SergioSergio has established himself as one of the foremost experts in web accessibility in Spain and has written extensively on the topic.

We are excited to collaborate with Dr. Luján on WAVE development, design and analysis of additional WebAIM surveys, and other topics in the web accessibility field. It is not typical for someone to leave coastal Southern Spain to come to snowy, bitterly cold Utah in January (it snowed 4 inches last night and will be below freezing for at least the next week), so we hope the transition has not been too much of a shock for him. We’ve assured him that Northern Utah is the perfect place for him to enjoy some of his other hobbies – hiking and mountain climbing. We’re looking forward to 6 months of collaboration with such an esteemed colleague.


  1. Nicky Goyal

    Thats Great
    and welcome Dr. Sergio Luján Mora

  2. Cruz García

    Thats great and welcome. I hope you can help with your knowledges.
    Sergio I don´t know if you can contact with me because I am Spanish and i have experience teaching IT skills to blind people in Spain for long time. Here I am startind in a charity to do the same but this is some different.
    Good luck !!!

  3. Vincent

    Welcome Dr. Sergio Lujan Mora,
    I hope you are the same genius like the other Guy´s…:-)
    Good start

  4. Sergio

    Hi Cruz García.

    You can contact me! You can easily find my email in the Internet.

    I’ll be glad to talk to you and share some knowledge.

  5. Radoslaw Sobik

    What can I do with my webpage to make it more accesible? I publish flash virtual panoramas on it, so it could be difficult to see it from some people with disabilities. In last days I start again think about accessability and I decide to text decription what is on single panorama. Could it be helpfull?

  6. Carolina

    Congrats Sergio! I’m very glad that Web Accesibility counts with a speaker like you.
    Carolina (www.ayudatec.cl)

  7. May

    This will be a great opportunity to address accessibility needs across the borders for a more uniform approach. Hope to be able to connect with Dr. Mora about how to improve technology expectations!