WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Showing records 251 to 300 of 10870

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accessible lead tracking software/system

Navigating Fiverr

*Next*: button or link

Foxit is ending "upfront payment" and moving to subscription

VPAT issue

Netflix style carousel - navigating with arrow keys

Inquiry Regarding Handling PDF Accessibility Challenges in School District Practices

Article: America Promises Equality for Disabled Students. It's Failing.

Trusted tester 503.4.1-caption-control 17.E

GMail and Tech Tutoring

Testing ePub files

Subject: Accessibility Testing in the Ubuntu Environment

ARIA role changing browser behavior

Decorative images with captions

Updates on UN IDPD from W3C WAI (home of WCAG)

Embedding form elements in tables

recommended settings for the PDF Testing :

What's the point of aria-expanded on a menu button?

Accessibility issue?

[iOS app] acctivate button inside tile

Is there any industry agreed viewport to verify 1.4.4: Resize Text

Foxit Bug - Expansion Text

Where text exists but cannot be read by screenreader - which checkpoint?

New PAC 2021 checker

Question about accessible tables in word and converting to pdf

Participants for Research Study

Alt text for PDF org chart

WebAIM-Forum Digest, Vol 223, Issue 10

Haptics DAO Survey

Best practices for handling UI elements or text in all caps

Actions revealed upon hover-over


Priming live regions

Visual labels appears in the Dome after the form control

New bug in Adobe PDF Maker

PowerPoint_Reading Order

PowerPoint Reading Order

question about signing PDF documents

Oral History Metada Synchronizer (OHMS) format now supported by MovieCaptioner

Proof One Is Not A Spammer

Tagging of Redacted PDFs

Accesslibity review_time estimate

SC 1.3.5 and input type=date


  • Jaws by Francisco Magalhães (Oct 30, 2023 5:08pm)
  • Re: Jaws by Lucy Greco (Oct 30, 2023 5:25pm)
  • Re: Jaws by Francisco Magalhães (Oct 31, 2023 12:38am)
  • Re: Jaws by Patrick H. Lauke (Oct 31, 2023 1:31am)
  • Re: Jaws by Dean.Vasile (Oct 31, 2023 3:20am)
  • Re: Jaws by Patrick H. Lauke (Oct 31, 2023 4:44am)

Virtual AHG 2023 starts in 7 days

Please share example of inaccessible but popular UI component

Android And iOS Diagnostic Tools For Non-technical Testers

Early registration for the 2023 Virtual Accessing Higher Ground Conference is Now Open


Accessibility Specialist Position

How to build Accessible design systems at the architecture design level?