WebAIM - Web Accessibility In Mind

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Showing records 3151 to 3200 of 10875

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Improving Accessibility Procurement

accessible campus map?

Requesting recommendations for techniques and tools

Best practice for presenting an accessible annotated document on the web

Another rookie question: tables that use a heading rather than a caption

What is accessible text for representing a time of day?

Email messages and Section 508 refresh

'hamburger' menu

How to code for 'accessible sticky header'?

Need your advice!

accessible Outlook Template?

Hiding password for assistive technology in MS Access databases

NVDA: Showing Images That Have No Alt Textt

Coordinator of Digital Accessibility

accessible online training.

Job Announcement - AccessMU Coordinator

your favorite Accessible Word and PDF how to articles

Disabled elements need keyboard focus?

Music Composition

How do organizations deal with turning large quantities of pdf and word documents accessible?

Music Composition and screen readers

Consistent Navigation - set of web pages with different navigation

help with contrast issue on button

Best way to present a semantic row of name/value pairs

Screenreader Forms Mode as Only Interaction Method?

Static vs. Interactive Widget Roles - Ensuring Proper Functionality in ARIA

SQL Server Reporting Services: Report View Control

Using ARIA for styling?

Accessible forms with multiple duplicated sections for bill payment

Accessible autocomplete / typeahead pattern

Screen reader Forms Mode as Only Interaction Method?

Logo as an h1??

Remote Usability Testing for AT users

AT support for required="true"

alt vs no alt on picture links

New Project

Fwd: U.S. Access Board Announces Section 508 Webinar Series Schedule

Advanced PDF Form questions

What we found when we tested tools on the world's least-accessible webpage

HTML 5 Elements and HTML 5 and ARIA attributes

OT: Accessible Files on Server/Email

Numbered prose.

An Interactive ARIA Widget Checklist: For Screen Reader Testing

Captioning Open Source Media

PDF and PowerPoint Heading Question

Disabled elements need keyboard focus?

Inappropriate navigation of buttons

Interactive Accessibility is looking for an Accessibility Specialist

Accessibility probe.

Opinion request: submit sucess banner that disappears after 5 sec

Accessible android TV